East Fife Sport Council Logo


Duffus Park Bowling Club

East Fife Sports Council is delighted to support Duffus Park Bowling Club with funding. The club
was most grateful for the funding awarded and part of this was used to purchase bowls gatherers,
which are used by the senior lady bowlers. The existing gatherers required replacing and the funding
enabled the club to do this at a time when funds were very much depleted due to covid
restrictions. The ladies have enjoyed being back on the bowling green and are delighted with the
new equipment. The remainder of the funding helped towards the cost of having the irrigation
sprinkler system repaired and the greenkeeper now has the benefit of an automatic watering
system. The assistance allowed the club to have the green in good condition for the start of the
season after lockdown restrictions were eased. The EFSC committee wish the club the very best in
getting back to full activity and growing membership back to pre-covid levels.